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Sustainable success with E3

As a family-run company with clearly defined values, we act today to ensure our success for the future. One of the ways we do this is to invest in our employees: in developing and training their skills, as well as optimizing our environmental balance and developing more energy efficient processes and solutions.

Thinking and acting in the long term helps us systematically avoid risks and take advantage of business opportunities in advance and with greater intensity.

Sustainability is therefore the key to our long-term success .

Although maximum sustainability is inherent in everything we do, we have summarized particularly sustainable activities in our E3 approach, which is divided into the following three areas:

E as Ethics : ethical principles determine the way in which we operate towards our customers, colleagues and society as a whole. We engage in a continuous dialogue with the main stakeholders.

E as Environment : we carefully manage resources, avoid the use of harmful substances and do our best to reduce our environmental impact.

E as Energy : we contribute to a more ecological use of energy by developing products that use energy more efficiently, processes that allow us to save resources and provide pioneering solutions.

At Hager Group, sustainable development is much more than a theory, it is a reality, measurable by the actions we take and the results we get.