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Hager Environment Policy

Responsibility towards the environment is an integral aspect of the Hager Group's commitment to sustainability.

Protect the environment & save costs

Wherever the company is active, our aim is to make a lasting contribution to ecological efficiency and environmental protection.

That applies in equal measure to creating production conditions that are environmentally sound and to deploying renewable energies in the process.

Similarly, our portfolio is remarkable for the energy-efficient systems and products which are specially designed over their lifetime service to reduce the use of energy and to cut down on the use of natural resources.

Minimum environmental impact

As an industrial enterprise, Hager endeavours to keep its own environmental impact to a minimum.
Wherever Hager is active, we contribute to measures for ecological efficiency and environmental protection.
The energy-saving systems, products and services we offer all help reduce energy and go easy on natural resources.
Hager strives to:
  • consider natural resources at all times,
  • improve the conditions necessary for a safe, clean and healthy environment for the customers, the users of our products, our employees and the public at large, this on an active and ongoing basis.

Environment management

Environment management is such an important business priority of ours that we are pleased to make the following commitments:
  • We will use environment management systems such as ISO 14001 to carry out operations in an environment-friendly fashion and employ principles of environment protection such as continuous product improvement, compliance with legal requirements and raising employee awareness at all our locations world-wide.
  • Promote environmental responsibility along the entire value chain and also encourage suppliers, subcontractors and customers to adopt environment standards.
  • Develop our production processes with a clear focus on boosting energy and resources efficiency.
  • Assist in the transfer of eco-efficient technologies to the emerging industrial countries.
  • Define the sustainable environment performance of our new products via an ecological design system which is based on evaluations for the entire product life cycle.
  • Include environmental factors in our risk assessment procedures relating to the bigger customer projects.
Furthermore, in all our companies across the world, we will take measures to develop environment-friendly products and production processes that - through the use of new technologies - will take any future environmental requirements into account and thus spare resources.

Energy-saving systems, products and services

Via the provision of systems and products that help people to use electricity safely and rationally, we aim to:
  • reduce energy consumption and go easy on other natural resources;
  • ensure that protection of the environment is an integral part of our corporate culture, our work and all our actions;
  • promote awareness among Hager employees by means of training programmes, information measures and working conditions that are appropriate in terms of our environmental policy;
  • make sure that our customers, our business partners and the general public receive all the relevant information; and
  • furbish and present our factories in their surroundings appropriately so that they comply with all relevant regulations and, where reasonable, go beyond them in avoiding and recycling waste and in recovering raw materials.